Alphabetical listing of Coffee Shops and Cafés in Paarl and the surrounding Winelands.
Browse our Coffee Shops & Cafés Directory Listings to find that great cup of coffee, breakfast and light lunch.
Premium advertisers are listed alphabetically at the top of the directory with standard advertisers listed alphabetically below the premium listings
Café Teria Cata
Main Street, Suider Paarl
+27 (0)21 863 4592
+27 (0)21 863 4592
Drakenstein Cafe
Jan Van Riebeeck Drive, Huguenot, Paarl
+27 (0)21 862 0300
+27 (0)21 862 0300
Kemia Lounge
89 Sparrebosch Street, Klein Parys, Paarl
+27 (0)21 862 8999
+27 (0)21 862 8999
The Coffee Room
Main Street, Vrykyk
+27 (0)82 908 6062
+27 (0)82 908 6062
My Way Cafe & Bistro
41 Chuch Street, Wellington
+27 (0)21 873 0447
+27 (0)21 873 0447