Alphabetical listing of Restaurants in Paarl and the surrounding Winelands.
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Premium advertisers are listed alphabetically at the top of the directory with standard advertisers listed alphabetically below the premium listings
A round of golf is bound to make you very hungry. Come satisfy your hunger with our mounth watering food at our restaurant in the Clubhouse after finishing the course.
Don't play golf? Well you are welcome at the Clubhouse to relax over a meal and enjoy the superb ambience of our beautiful Golf Course as you watch the golfers putting on the last hole
+27 (0)21 863 1140 - Reception & Bookings
+27 (0)21 863 2828 - Pro Shop
+27 (0)21 863 3660
+27 (0)21 863 0142
+27 (0)21 874 3844
+27 (0)21 872 9283
+27 (0)21 871 1346
+27 (0)21 863 5222
+27 (0)21 863 3609